dedicated to Carol Roth, who squeaked up my apartment stairs to visit when I dislocated my back!


Squeaky Sneakers
To Carol Roth with appreciation
She's always in motion, when she gets the notion
The next thing you know, it's been done
And she'll somehow find time for you,
Bring you some brownies, too
Listen, you'll know that she's come
Cause you can hear her
Squeaky sneakers, squeaky squeaky sneakers
Sneaky squeekers on her feet, and she's
Always on her toes, squeaking everywhere she goes
Always movin to the beat!
She's pretty busy, enough to make you dizzy
Camping, cooking, teaching too
With a kid hanging from each hand, tracking in loads of sand
What's a poor mother to do?  Keep moving in her
She's always informal, for her it's just normal
There's no time for putting on airs and she's
Up for suggestions, and brimming with questions
In a world where there's so much to share! Especially in her
Chorus  twice